City to celebrate Public Power Week in October

Public Power Week is celebrated October 2-6, but the City of Morganton wants to thank our electric customers and employees the whole month of October because it is something worth celebrating. Why is it worth celebrating?


Public Power Week is dedicated to promoting how the City of Morganton is a part of ElectriCities of North Carolina, Inc., which is the membership organization that coordinates power delivery and provides related critical services to more than 90 community-owned electric systems in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. Being a part of public power provides local control allowing prioritization of local needs when making important decisions. We also are connected to a broad network of public power communities across the country, giving us access to great support systems.


The City will be celebrating in multiple ways and we encourage customers to join us. We will be publishing a video series on the City of Morganton website ( and our social media accounts where we provide several energy and money-saving tips for our customers. We will be giving away a limited amount of energy kits at City Hall during Public Power Week. These kits will be filled with items that can help you conserve energy.

Electric Department Director Brooks Kirby said, “Public Power Week gives us a chance to share how important it is to have community-owned power. Having local ownership means that residents are a part of the decision-making process. This week and every week, we celebrate the people that make public power so valuable.”

Public power communities are part of a mutual aid network that spans the region and country, providing support during hurricanes and other natural disasters while maintaining a superior safety record. For example, in May of 2023, a storm passed through Morganton that caused a widespread power outage. The Town of Granite Falls was able to quickly respond and help make repairs, so our community would not be without power for an extended period of time. The City of Morganton has also been able to respond and help the Town of Drexel and the Town of Maiden.

Roy Jones, CEO of ElectriCities said, “Public power providers are unique in the value they offer to their residents, businesses, and communities as a whole. As we celebrate Public Power Week this year, we thank the men and women in our communities who keep the lights on and maintain unbeaten reliability for their neighbors.”

We can’t thank you enough for being a part of public power with the City of Morganton!

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PPW week