Morganton's electric service one of most environmentally-friendly in state

This snapshot from ElectriCities summarizes Morganton's electric power sources.

We all know Morganton’s electric service is reliable, but did you know the City of Morganton is one of the most environmentally-friendly power providers in the state of North Carolina? Of all the power provided to its customers, 99.99% of Morganton’s electric power sources that provide electricity to our customers emit no CO2 into the atmosphere.

According to information provided by ElectriCities of North Carolina, 89.03% of Morganton’s power comes from nuclear energy, and 10.96% comes from hydroelectric sources, resulting in 99.99% clean power. The other .01% of Morganton’s electricity is from emergency gas-powered generators which only run during outages that may be caused by storms and Load Management times. This accounts for 0.01% of Morganton’s electricity and produces less than 14 tons of CO2 emissions per year.

In all, for every kilowatt hour of electricity that goes to the businesses and schools and homes in Morganton, the City generates approximately one ten-thousandth of a pound of CO2 pollution.

“With many of our City residents concerned about pollution, and several of our largest industrial businesses required to operate as environmentally-friendly entities, Morganton is proud to reliably provide nearly completely clean, pollution-free power to all of our customers,” said Electric Services Director Brooks Kirby.

Graphics breaking down Morganton’s energy sources for its power service are included in the sidebar. Included in the graphic is the overall usage for NCMPA1, the public power member organization Morganton is included in.