Bost Road sewer line project starting at Catawba Meadows

As part of the Bost Road Sewer Project, contractors will be installing erosion control fencing and staging construction equipment behind the large picnic shelters at Catawba Meadows Park starting the week of April 22nd. The directional bore process to put in a sewer line will start the week of April 29th. The project is expected to last several months.

The Catawba Greenway will not be blocked off during this construction. We would ask those near the construction site or area to stay outside of the work zone.

For those who are planning to play disc golf at Catawba Meadows, please start your game at Hole 4 (utilizing the greenway to access Hole 4) during the duration of the sewer line construction. Holes 1, 2 and 3 on the course will be in the path of the construction process, so please do not use those tee boxes or holes. They will open back up once the project is complete.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.