CAAC marks North Carolina Arbor Day with tree planting

Members of the community appearance advisory commission pose with a tree

The Morganton Community Appearance Advisory Commission, CAAC, celebrated North Carolina Arbor Day during their March meeting.

North Carolina Arbor day is celebrated the first Friday after March 15 each year, falling on March 18 in 2022. The CAAC marked the day by planting trees in the parking lot adjacent to Martha’s Park. Morganton’s CAAC has celebrated North Carolina Arbor Day with tree plantings for many years. Morganton’s CAAC asks that you consider planting your own tree this month before temperatures rise.

Pictured from Left to Right are CAAC members, Liz Beach, Bill Lennon, John Cantrell Jr., James Bagley, Cheryl Gratton, Erin Kizer, and Martha Franklin around one of the recently planted Lacebark Elm trees. Not pictured are CAAC members Judy Lane and Eddie McGimsey.