Utility Deposits

The City of Morganton follows a varying, credit-based deposit policy. The standard deposit is $400.00 for all utilities – electric, water and sewer. Customers do have the option to apply for a lower deposit at an additional cost of $10.00. If a customer wishes to apply for a lower deposit, the City will run a verification check to determine the customer's eligibility.

Some exceptions apply:

  • Water customers who live outside the City limits must pay double the amount for water deposits.
  • Homeowners do not have to pay a deposit.
  • Customers with a one-year payment history without late fees being assessed do not have to pay a deposit.
  • A letter of credit from another utility company stating that the customer has had a good payment history for the same service for the past 12 months may also be provided in lieu of a cash deposit.

Deposit Refund

Residential customers who have had a good payment history for 12 months can request their deposit be refunded. Customers who do not request a refund will have their deposit applied to their final bill. 

Great Credit - $190 deposit

Customers with great credit will receive a green light and will be eligible for a deposit rate of $190.00.

$130 for electric
$20 for water
$40 for sewer       
$190 total deposit

Good Credit - $300 deposit

Customers with good credit will receive a yellow light and will be eligible for a deposit rate of $300.00

$210 for electric
$30 for water
$60 for sewer        
$300 total deposit

Poor/No Credit - $400 deposit

Customers with poor credit will receive a red light and must pay the standard $400.00 deposit to receive service.

$280 for electric
$40 for water
$80 for sewer         
$400 total deposit (standard deposit)