Application for Utility Services

Please complete the form below to begin the process of applying for utility service with the City of Morganton. Once you complete the form, please call 828-438-5243 or 828-438-5242 to complete your utility account setup. The Customer Service Representative on the other end of the line will walk you through the next steps in completing your account setup. The Customer Service Representative will tell you if a deposit is needed for your account.

Please note: simply completing the online form below does NOT activate your utility service. You must call 828-438-5243 or 828-438-5242 to complete the process.

Applicant Information
First and last name

I understand that by submitting this online form, this does not activate any utility service in my name, and only begins the process of applying for and receiving a utility account with the City of Morganton. I understand that to complete this process, I must call 828-438-5243 or 828-438-5242 and speak with a customer service representative to complete my account setup. I acknowledge that customer service representatives are only available Monday through Friday, from 8am to 5pm, with the exception of holidays. Please type your name below to acknowledge that you have read and understand the online utility application process.