City’s egg hunt set for March, 16,000 eggs to be hidden

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The City of Morganton Parks and Recreation Department, in partnership with Summit Community Church, is hosting the annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Catawba River Soccer Complex on Saturday, March 23th at 11 am with fun games starting at 10 am.

This event, which always brings kids ready to fill their Easter baskets, will be a fun time of games, activities, tasty snacks and storytelling by Summit Community Church. The egg hunt will feature 16,000 eggs filled with candy and toys with three of them holding a grand prize inside. There will be four different egg hunts for the different age brackets including 2 years and under, 3-4 years, 5-7 years and 8-10 years. There will be a section at the soccer complex for each age group’s egg hunt.

Bryan Fish, director of Parks and Recreation said, “This event is one of the most popular Spring events we have every year. I recommend families to be on time because the eggs are found in just seconds. It’s the quickest egg hunt I have ever seen. The kids absolutely love it. We can’t thank Summit Community Church and our local community enough for their support of this event.”

Sally Sandy, City Manager said, “What a sweet treat this is each year for our children and their families. There is so much hard work that goes into this event that a large part of our community comes out to enjoy. We can’t wait to see you there.”

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