City awarded grant from ElectriCities

City awarded grant from ElectriCities

Friday, Jan. 28, 2022

Morganton, NC - The City of Morganton was recently awarded a Downtown Revitalization Grant from ElectriCities of North Carolina, Inc. totaling $10,000.

The City of Morganton will put its ElectriCities grant toward the development of a downtown co-working facility. Funds from the grant will go directly toward the up fitting of the conference room.

City Manager Sally Sandy said, “This location will be a great economic development tool for the City of Morganton. Now remote workers and companies with only a few employees will have access to a convenient downtown office with the benefits of shared facilities, services, and tools that a co-working space provides.” 

Carl Rees, ElectriCities Manager of Economic and Community Development said, “Study after study has shown that a thriving downtown is key to a thriving community. Helping fund these high-impact projects injects needed energy into our members’ downtown areas, sparking growth and ultimately improving the quality of life in these public power communities.”

The cities of Laurinburg, Washington and Gastonia also received a $10,000 grant to help revitalize their downtown.

“These grant-winning projects demonstrate that there are many ways to improve our downtowns and to spark and support development and leverage private sector investment,” said Rees of ElectriCities. “While each community is as unique as the projects, as public power communities, they share a commitment to providing their residents and businesses with safe, reliable electricity and excellent service while supporting their local economies.”

The ElectriCities of North Carolina, Inc., is a membership organization for municipally owned electric utilitiesalso known as public power providersin North Carolina and beyond.